Sunday, August 15, 2010

Books & Symbols

Reiki Peace Grid placed in Jerusalem 

I am going to reread Reiki Shaman as I enjoyed it so much and want to make sure I understand all of the content.  I was reading the Reiki Bible by Eleanor McKenzie and came across the interesting idea that the symbols are not necessarily what we are taught in classes.  ***Spoiler alert:  Do not go to the following link if you are offended by seeing the symbols in print and believe they should be completely secret.***  Go here to read an interesting article by a different author along the same lines.

I have such a love affair with the symbols, probably because I think that way and have been given symbols in dreams, that seeing them as only triggers rather than imbued with more beyond that is a bit difficult for me.  I do think they are "keys" so in that sense I agree with the above sources.