Friday, December 31, 2010

2011: Year of the Herkimer


In just the past few weeks, I have had several chance encounters and internet blog feeds (including even some more from a "fashion" and vintage perspective than spiritual) touting this lovely gem.  The herkimer seems to be every where! It's in many ways my favorite and a stone I associate with dreams, reiki, and pure love.  Some associate it with the third eye while others associate it with the crown chakra.  Some use it for astral travel and for communication with beings from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms as well as celestial energies.  The stone cleanses its environs and thus frequently needs to be cleansed itself.  The clear stones are mined in Herkimer NY USA.  


I have a few of these golden citrine herkimers which come from India and North/South America.  I associate these with the Reiki healing symbol and find them helpful in clearing out emotions and difficult feelings.

I think herkimers are very effectively worn as jewelry and can also be put under your pillow or used in a reiki healing grid.  Below are some photos of herkimer jewelry for sale on Etsy that I think are very pretty (not for sale by me and also I have not received any endorsement from the sellers).  I heart & shop Etsy always!

Herkimer "Diamond"
"Herkimer Diamond is called the 'stone of attunement'...Psychically, it's useful for auric cleansing and dream recall. Mystical lore says that physically it can be used to heal addictions and remove toxins."

"Herkimer Diamonds are also said to help people to become attuned to each other. They are especially useful for helping healers to attune to their patients...
Herkimer diamonds are a very powerful clearer of electromagnetic pollution and a blocker of geopathic stress. " (Cite)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Beginnings this New Year 1/1/11

After reading the excellent most recent post at reiki4writers, I wanted to do a little further research into the idea of this upcoming year's New Year's Day having the interesting numbers of 1-1-11.  I am not a numerology expert or practitioner, but for whatever reason this particular combination intrigued me and gave me a funny feeling.  Which, when I have a funny feeling I always have to follow it!

Interesting tidbits discovered are that Oprah is launching her new network, OWN, not coincidentally, on this day and that there is a whole host of people that feel that seeing 11:11 on a clock is a time to make a wish and that we are strongly connected to our guides and angels at that time.

I found out on the 11:11 dimension website the following (quoted directly):
  • The 2012 Winter Solstice will occur on December 21, at 11:11 Universal Time (UTC). On this unusual winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years. This is a rare astronomical alignment. This means that "whatever energy typically streams to Earth from the center of the Milky Way will indeed be disrupted on 12/21/12 at 11:11 p.m. Universal Time. The ancient Maya recognized this as the Sacred Tree, an event that has been coming to resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. This event is also recognized in Native American and Egyptian cultures to name a few. In Astrology,The 2012 winter solstice will mark the end of the age of Pisces and the beginning of the age of Aquarius.
  • In Numerology 11 is a Master (or Power) Number, as are all double digit numbers, such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99. The 11 represents rare and exceptional energy originating from outside mundane reality. It also represents impractical idealism, being visionary, intuition, revelation, and artistic and inventive genius. In Astrology, the eleventh sign of the zodiac is Aquarius associated with the 11th house. The astrological traits of Aquarius are attributed to humanitarianism, eceentricity, Intellectualism and Independence. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius and brings with it a new way of looking at things and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness. Uranus rules unexpected change, upheaval and revolution.
  • 11:11 is said to be a pre-encoded trigger placed in our cellular memory banks prior to our descent/incarnation into matter. when activated, it will signify that our time of completion and ascension is near. A shift will occur. Our consciousness will raise in frequency along with our bodies. We will be ascending into the next dimension of time/space or space/time. It can be seen as the evolution of consciousness and the earth herself. One will know when this particular gateway to awareness and higher vibration is open for them because they will continually see the numbers 11:11 (or 1111) in there every day lives and it will be a continuous occurrence. The activation of other gateways can be symbolized by other digits.
I think for me, this new year's day is going to be a new beginning heralding in new levels of light and love.  At 11:11 on 1-1-11, I will be sending Reiki to the world Reiki grids with my highest intent for openness and peace.  I really also like the idea in reiki4writers of putting your intentions in a box that you regularly send Reiki to--seems perfect to me, so I will try it this year.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Danza Serpentina

This very much reminds me of what I experienced during the Master Attunement except it was two guides dancing and making wave patterns with enormous ribbons.
So beautiful--can't believe this was made before 1900.  When I saw it posted on a vintage fashion blog and that it was by the Lumiere Bros. I knew that it would perfectly express what I wish for us all as we welcome the Light this holiday season.  My best to you and yours as we celebrate beauty.