Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reiki Shamanism

I will post more about this at a later date after I finish the book, but I just wanted to say that I am very much enjoying reading Jim Pathfinder Ewing's book, Reiki Shamanism.  I am impressed and he is presenting ideas in a different but well-researched manner.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Origins of American yoga

I have been looking into the history of American yoga and came across this video (there is a typo, the congress actually took place in 1893 not 1863).  The Swami's words are very inspiring and we in the reiki community and other spiritual communities could all take a cue from his words of unity and peace.  There is too much unproductive discord in most spiritual and healing communities.  Discord can be productive and cleansing, but not when people are on power trips or overly protective.