My pondering continues in regard to certain hand positions spontaneously producing Reiki and I remembered Gassho.
From Usui & Frank Arjava Petter's book, The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui (1999 English ed.), "Gassho literally means 'two hands coming together'" and Petter goes on to explain the Gassho meditation which was used each time at the beginning of meetings with a noticeable increase in energy occurring when practiced in groups. The meditation is very simple. You place your hands together in front of your chest (prayer pose) and focus your attention on where the two middle fingers meet. He cautions you may experience energy phenomena such as your hands or backbone becoming very warm. This seems to in some ways explain what is going on in yoga class sometimes with Reiki as yoga asana practice is often a precursor to meditation. My yoga teacher also often has us focus on our middle finger in a variety of asanas.
Petter goes on to explain that Reihi-Ho is a set of 3 short rituals that can be conducted before a Reiki session. The first step is to assume Gassho posture while closing your eyes and connecting with the Reiki power by asking. Repeat the wish 3 times. If you are 2nd degree or higher, you can use the mental-healing symbol sealed by the power symbol. The second step is to pray for the recovery and health of the patient on all levels. Step three is to hold your folded hands in front of your 3rd eye (6th chakra) and ask the Reiki power to guide your hands where energy is needed. There is the connection to the upper chakras I also wondered about.
I hope you have a peaceful and Reiki-filled day...
Full Moon Reiki: Power of Choices
4 days ago
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